I’m in the process of writing another book; as I finish the draft of each chapter, I’ve been sharing it with a supportive and eager-to-learn group of students. They get up an hour early on Sunday morning in order to attend my class before going to the church service. For their faithful presence, their diligence in doing homework, and their wholehearted participation in our discussions, I am extremely grateful.

This week, my class is not meeting. I’m glad for the break because, as usual, the task that I set for myself (completing a chapter every week) is more difficult and will take longer than I expected. According to my class syllabus, I am scheduled to share the final chapter of my book on December 4th and celebrate that accomplishment on December 11th.

Will I successfully meet my deadline? As it stands now, because I’m taking a week off, the celebration date will be Dec. 18th. What will it take for me to be successful? And what will true success look like? Could there be something more important than meeting my report card imagedeadline?

Faithfulness is a process. Faithfulness is about small unnoticed things—day-by-day, reliability, attention to details, accuracy. It’s about the action that I take. It’s about consistency. It’s about following through.

Success is a result. Success is about big splashy things—parties, honor, rewards. It’s about commendation—receiving credit for completing something.

Faithfulness is more important than success, because if we do the process (follow the steps, carry out the strategies) we will find success. But if we do not give attention to the process, we will not find success.

When I am focusing on success, I often think that I need more information. Usually, I do not need more information. I just need more action. I need to do something with the information that I already have.

At the end of the day, I like to look at my accomplishments. But at the end of my earthly life (according to the parables which Jesus taught. See Matthew 25), God will look at my faithfulness and commend me for that. I want to hear him say, “Well done, my good and faithful servant.”

What will it take for that to happen? It will take a shift in my focus. I’ve been doing things, backwards. Instead of measuring my success, I need to check-out my faithfulness. If I am faithful, I will be successful. However, true success—accomplishing the things that God has called me to do—may not be what I initially imagined it to be.

Questions for you to prayerfully consider


6 Responses

  1. Jane, I’m so glad to have come across this post! Your point is freeing to me. The Lord does care so much more about our character growth and a gradual, relational process than the moments of successful achievement.
    Thanks for writing this! I look forward to reading more of your blog!

    1. Thank you so much for your encouraging comment, Susan. I just discovered your beautiful website. God bless you in your Christian Life Coaching.

  2. Hi Jane,
    Love bringing “faithfulness” to top awareness and recognizing that our definition of success may not align with God’s. Going deep to know Him and walk where He leads us can be “success,” but only when “faithfulness” is the goal.


    1. Hi Debbie

      Thanks so much for you comment. God’s definition of success is always so much bigger than ours, isn’t it!

  3. Great post Jane! I am thrilled you are writing another book! I can so identify with this – so often I am focused on the outcome rather than the process. And yes, because I am a learner I always always think I need more information!
    I have recently begun to more consciously focus on the process (and enjoy the journey along the way) more than focusing on the outcome – I kind of relate this to enjoying a good meal – if you are so focused on the dessert that you just gulp the main course down – you’ve missed enjoying the WHOLE Meal. Blessings to you as you go though the process of writing your book – enjoy the
    journey and I’m sure there will be a chocolate cake waiting for you! xoxo

    1. Thanks for that great illustration of process and outcome, Terry. I will take my time and enjoy the main course. Then, I will have no guilt in accepting your chocolate cake!

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