Commit your actions to the Lord,
    and your plans will succeed.
Proverbs 16:3 NLT

I laughed when I looked out my window and these two geese waddling on the ice. They weren’t moving very fast. They seemed a bit confused. I don’t know if they got left behind when the flock they were traveling with headed south or if they just ignored the call.

It challenged me to think about my call. My vision for 2020. If I want my dreams fulfilled, I need to design my life to make that happen. Set some goals. Take action. Ask for accountability. I’m working on the goal-setting part and have found a few people to whom I will report my progress or lack thereof.

Most importantly, I need to keep in touch with God, ask for his wisdom, and follow his directions. If I do this, I can confidently expect to see my dreams fulfilled. Even if like a confused goose I miss a call or two (which, being imperfect, I will do) God sees me and re-issues his call. My confidence is in his faithfulness, and part of my vision is to increase my faithfulness.

What about you?
How are you going to walk out the vision God’s given you for 2020?

 Design your life so you can stay
 Close to Jesus, every day.
 Every day and every night, 
 Make his presence your delight.
 Make his will your only choice.
 By listening to the Spirit’s voice,
 You will know which path to take;
 Less often make the same mistake.
 Remember you are still a learner.
 When corrected, do not murmur;
 Then your work will get done sooner.
 Don’t pay attention to false rumor.
 Believe that Jesus keeps his promise;
 He does not let Satan harm us.
 Share your goods, generously.
 Do everything for God’s glory.
 Do the things you are designed for
 By your Father and Creator;
 Respect the temple where he dwells;
 Protect it from falls and ills.
 When you are injured, please forgive.
 Never let resentment live!
 Treat everyone as Jesus does.
 Give up every prejudice.
 Focus not on perfection,
 But on faithful implementation;
 Don’t be lazy or a faker.
 Be a giver, not a taker.
 The Holy Spirit’s your companion.
 He is real, not a phantom.
 Comply with him and find shalom.
 He will not leave you alone.
 Jane Ault 

6 Responses

  1. Jane, I’m adding your post link to my blog the 18th Thanks for sharing this with us! I believe it will encourage my readers who check it out.

  2. Jane, I am always encouraged and inspired by your weekly posts.
    In response to this one, I want my faithfulness to increase. I need to be a constant learner and always have more constant awareness of his presence as he guides my steps. Like the song “Guide my feet when I run this race, for I don’t want to run this race in vain.”

    1. Thank you for reading my post, again, and commenting. I appreciate your faithful encouragement. May Jesus give that constant awareness of his presence that you desire. Everything else falls in line as we listen to him and receive his messages.

  3. I love this encouragement, Jane. It is like hitting the reset button and getting a fresh start! May you and John have a most wonderful 2020!

    1. Thank you for your comment, Sandy. I’m so glad for God has given us a “reset button” that allows us to freshly align ourselves with truth, that is, himself.

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