Charm is deceptive, and beauty is fleeting;
    but a woman who fears the Lord is to be praised
 Proverbs 31:30 (NIV)

As I’ve gotten older, I’ve been spending less time looking at my face in the mirror. At first, it was because I did not want to see the wrinkles there.  I’m not uptight about them anymore.  I’ve accepted them as a normal part of aging. Why do look in the mirror less often? I simply don’t think about it.

More importantly, I finally understand the truth that “skin-beauty” is not nearly as important as what I call “heart-beauty”.  God sees beyond the condition of my face to the condition of my heart. I’ve learned that an unhappy, angry, or worried heart cannot be hidden behind beautiful skin. Whether I like it or not, the expression of my face reflects the condition of my heart.

God’s “Mirror of Truth” is Scripture. It’s a very accurate mirror. When I look in it, the Holy Spirit shows me exactly what I am like. He reveals the wrinkles and blemishes in my heart—things such as worry-lines, anger-pimples, and ugly-acne caused by my reaction to hurt. Sometimes it’s painful to see the truth about myself; I feel ashamed and want to hide.

I don’t hide because the mirror of Truth is held in the hand of a Loving Savior. Jesus does not condemn me. He simply wants to give me the kind of loving, generous, and good heart that he has. When I receive his words of truth, he heals the hurts in my heart and cleanses it from all ugliness.

When I spend more time in front of God’s mirror and less time in front of my bathroom mirror, it’s so much more rewarding!

  A Virtuous Woman
 Doesn’t need to write a poem-a-day
 To prove that she’s okay;
 She simply records what she’s given.
 Doesn’t need to get applause
 When she supports some worthy cause;
 She simply cares about others.
 Doesn’t need her husband’s praise
 For how she spends her days;
 She simply desires to serve him.
 Doesn’t need an extrinsic reward
 For any accomplishment; 
 She simply does what she loves.
 Doesn’t need to look in a mirror 
 To discover if beauty’s still there;
 She simply looks at the face of Jesus.
 It’s his beauty that she hopes to reflect.
 It’s his work that she wants to do.
 It’s his word that she desires to speak.
 For Jesus is infinitely precious to her

 Jane Ault
 January 2019

6 Responses

  1. who we see in the mirror..the reflection of who we really are. some days the beauty, some days the beast..

    1. Thanks for your comment, Genie. It’s comforting and encouraging to me that Jesus loves me no matter I reflect. He transforms the beastliness into beauty.

  2. Hello Jane
    Lovely meditation for today. I have my grandmother’s 1920s ivory hand mirror in my dresser but it’s heavy to hold so I rarely use it Often my prayer book is set on top. Now I will see that mirror holding up scripture in a new light.

  3. Good morning! So enjoyed today’s devotional and poem! God does not see the same things people see, He looks at the heart and fashions our lives on making that heart like His. Not an easy process! I thought of a time I worked all afternoon with a smudge of almond butter on my cheek, since then, I do check the mirror after lunch

    1. Haha! Donna, you just need a long tongue to wipe that almond butter smudge off your cheek. Thanks for reading and commenting, again, faithful friend.

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