He restores my soul; (Psalm 23: 3 NASB)
Many years ago, I read the little booklet “The Practice of the Presence of God” by Brother Lawrence. It stirred in me a deep desire to live my daily life with a conscious awareness of Jesus with me.
I believe this is what Jesus was desiring for all of his followers in his prayer to Our Father when he said these words: “And this is eternal life, that they know you, the only true God, and Jesus Christ whom you have sent.”
If I wake up in the night or wake early in the morning when the world around me is quiet, it’s a great time to give thanks for Jesus’ presence and open up the ears and eyes of my spirit to any message he has for me.
The poems I’m sharing, today reveal something of what it means for me to live in Jesus’ presence. I hope they stir in your heart a deep desire to establish this practice.
The path of sorrow and grief Is turned into joy and relief When we see Jesus Who walks beside us Our eyes are opened to reality We were loved from eternity That which was crushed in our soul Is healed! We are made whole. Jane Ault 5/31/2019
If I want to live in Jesus’ presence I must not go where he is absent— Anyplace the devil tempts me, Anywhere that the world attracts me, Somewhere the flesh would coax me. I must stop all conversations— With the devil, he’s a pseud, With the world, they are rude, With the flesh, it is lewd. Why would I seek such conversations? If I want to live in Jesus’ presence I must listen to the Spirit— Always hear what he is saying, Always go where he is leading, Always do what’s wise and loving. I must have more conversations— With the Spirit, he is wise, With my Father, he never lies, With my Lord, he takes no bribes. He gives me grace and wisdom. Jane Ault 3/18/2019
Beautiful encouragement, Jane. Thank you.
You are welcome, Sandy!
Thank you for the gracious reminders of what it takes and means to abide in Him. Your poems state this beautifully!
You are welcome, Donna. My poems grow out of the conversations I have with Jesus. To him be the glory!