Just ask the animals, and they will teach you.
    Ask the birds of the sky, and they will tell you.

Job 12:7

I’m wondering what this little chipmunk is asking. I don’t know if he can ask questions or not but if he could ask one I’m guessing it would be this: “When will you shovel the snow off this deck and put out more sunflower seeds?”

I am a questioner. I always have been. During times of my life when people discouraged me from inquiry, I did not stop questioning. I took my questions to God and he answered them. Not always immediately. Sometimes, not for many years. Though I still have many unanswered questions, I have not given up asking. I believe the answers are coming.

Today in my country, I wonder if either those who call for “freedom of choice” and those who oppose it really understand what that freedom involves.

No one who demands we comply with their authority without asking questions and/or withholds information which we need and are entitled to displays the character and conduct of Jesus.

If we call ourselves his followers we cannot justify unquestioned compliance and secret-keeping in situations where a knowledge of truth is necessary. Freedom to live according to our own conscience is our God-given right and responsibility. Freedom to judge the conscience of another is not our right.

I hope we will stop fearing questions and continue to respectfully ask them. I pray that we will put aside arrogance and humbly listen to one another, genuinely seeking to understand differing points of view, and doing all that we can to promote unity and peace.

There are plenty of “chipmunks” in our world who are “snowed-under” with needs and hunger. They are not asking for sunflower seeds but for mercy and justice. None of us know it all. Let’s give up our arrogant “right to always be right” and fight for those whose rights have been stripped away.

4 Responses

  1. I’ve always questioned too. Sometimes the questions were appreciated and sometimes not. I love that you use that situation to guide us God and to really think about some of the issues that are taking center stage on the news and to think about what the consequences really are.

    1. Thank you for your encouraging comment, Debbie. Not everyone appreciates questions, but God invites us to ask them. ‘Call to me and I will answer you and tell you great and unsearchable things you do not know.’ (Jeremiah 33:3 NET)

  2. Oh Jane! This is just so good! Thank you for reminding me it’s okay and it’s good even to ask God questions. I will put this more into practice in my quiet time with Him. And, I absolutely love the chipmunk analogy! God help me to be a humble servant to help others in need and fight for those whose rights have been stripped away. Powerful!

    1. Thanks for your comment, Marlene. I commend you for the ways in which you are fighting for the needs of the less powerful.

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