When I was a college student, someone gave me a little booklet with the title, Quiet Time. Quiet time meant having quality time with Jesus–telling him about my struggles, asking him my questions, learning what his thoughts were, and most of all receiving his love. 

In order to do this, it was necessary to find a place where I could be alone, and I needed to put aside anything that distracted me. Then, I could focus on learning what Jesus had to say to me through Scripture and respond to him through prayer. 

When I was single and going to college, it was fairly easy for me to get up early and have an extended quality time with Jesus. I developed a daily habit of reading Scripture, journaling and praying.

After I got married and had children, it was NOT easy for me to continue that habit. They always seemed to wake up before I did. As they got older and slept longer, it still wasn’t possible for me to stick to my early morning habit all of the time. I experienced days of depression when my head felt too foggy in the morning to concentrate. In that condition, it was a struggle to read  Scripture. 

For years, I felt guilty if I did not have my early morning quiet time. I thought my whole day was ruined. One day, God reminded me that there’s no law stating: you must have a “Quiet time” first thing in the morning. It’s not one of the ten commandments.  It was a law which I made for myself.

I often compared myself with well known Christian women of the past or present, who seemed to be able to do this under circumstances more difficult than mine. Such comparisons were unhelpful. They filled my heart with unnecessary guilt.

I discovered that Jesus welcomes me with joy whenever I come to him. Although time management is a helpful skill (and I need to grow in it),  he is more concerned about my heart desire than my capacity for keeping track of time. 

In this stage of my life, I can, again, get up early and enjoy quality time with Jesus.  But my desire is much bigger than that. It’s to experience his love, grow strong in it, and let it flow through me throughout the day and night.

I’ll think about God when I awake,
Give thanks for mercies of the night,
Listen for his word to me,
Rise up and follow him.

Throughout day, I’ll search for time
Where we can talk, just he and I;
In my day I’ll find a place
For Jesus, my best friend.

I’ll tell him all that’s on my heart,
Then search in Scripture for his thought;
With his Word, I will agree.
I know he cares for me.

I’ll think about God and who He is,
Think about God and what He did,
Think about God all day long,
Think about God and live.

(Poem reprinted from Heart Connections: Finding Joy Through Openness with God by Jane Ault)


8 Responses

  1. Sometimes I have to remember it is important to read for distance rather than depth. If you read three chapters a day you can travel through the gospels in 29 days.

    1. I agree that it’s helpful to get a broad overview as well as an in-depth understanding of Scripture. I tend to go for depth.

  2. Jane, your heart is a treasure to all who know you, even those (me) who mostly know you through your writing…thank you for sharing your love for the Lord…it strengthens others and encourages us…God bless!

    1. Oh, Diane, thank you for those affirming words. I’m deeply grateful for the calling God has given me to write. Sharing my heart is sometimes scary, but I feel so blessed when someone is encouraged or strengthened by my words. To God be the glory!

  3. Thank you, Jane. This was pefectly timed. I really needed to hear/read these words this morning. Thank you for the encouragement.

    1. Thank you for your comment, Sandy. When I posted this, I wondered if my topic was so familiar with people that they might not need to hear it. Your words are a reminder to me to trust that whatever I put out there in obedience to God will be helpful to someone.

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