I don’t often see the sunrise on winter days because clouds cover the sun. But as I was washing breakfast dishes on January second, I looked up from the dirty sink. Though my kitchen window, I saw the bright pink color of the sky reflected in the still unfrozen water pools of the lake.
I quickly left the sink, ran and grabbed my camera. The color of the sunrise disappeared in a moment or two after I took the photo. I would have missed the beautiful scene if I had not looked up.
God is waiting to show us something that’s more brilliant than any sunrise. It’s a vision of him, and it includes a vision of what we can be when we look at him. In order to receive God’s vision, we must look up.
That’s what Jesus did. The writers of the gospels record many instances in which Jesus looked up to Father-God for clarity of vision. It was his habit to get up early ” in the morning when it was still very dark” . . . he went out to a deserted place, and . . . spent time in prayer (Mark 1:35 NET).
It was his practice to do only what fit in with this vision. He said to his disciples, ” I do nothing on my own initiative, but I speak just what the Father taught me” (John 8:28 NET).
This year I’ve taken some time to look up to God and receive his vision for 2020. He faithfully gave me a picture of what my life can look like if I follow his instructions. It’s a beautiful picture.
I’m not sharing the details here, but my vision is based on the concept of Shalom, the Biblical word for well-being. I feel peaceful when I read it. I feel challenged by it because I know in order to accomplish it, I will need to look up to my Father-God like Jesus did.
What will happen if I, like Jesus, do and say only the things the Father shows me to do and say? The Holy Spirit will do more than I can think or imagine. Jesus’s life and love will flow in and through me to others in ways I haven’t yet experienced. That is my desire and my hope.
Do you have a vision inspired by Father-God this year? If you don’t, know that if you truly want it, he will give you one. Don’t keep looking at whatever “dirty sink of dishes” is in front of you. Look up and like Jesus receive the beautiful vision available to you.
Then, by the power of the Holy Spirit follow through, like Jesus did, saying and doing what he shows you to say and do. You will be amazed at the results. “With God’s power working in us, God can do much, much more than anything we can ask or imagine.” (Ephesians 3:20 NCV)
I love this post.
Thanks, Judith!