“A tree is known by its fruit.” The Gospel of Matthew

I am writing this post out of a deep concern about the message President Trump is sending to the world about Christianity through his behavior. I cannot imagine Jesus Christ acting and speaking as he does. My heart weeps.

Some of you may be his supporters. I do not hate you or him. If you vote for him again, I will not hate you. I cannot endorse his re-election. I hope you will read what I’ve written and will ask God for discernment.

If you need carefully documented evidence of his unfitness, I recommend reading “The Spiritual Danger of Donald Trump” edited by Ron Sider.

It’s thirty essays written by Christian scholars who love Jesus. They are not vindictive. They are compassionate and respectful. Some of them are Republicans, some are Democrats, and some are Independent. All of them speak the truth in love. They care about not only people of this nation but people in every nation.

Please consider President Trump’s behavior in light of the following two Scriptures.

He has shown you, O mortal, what is good.  And what does the Lord require of you? To act justly and to love mercy and to walk humbly with your God (Micah 6:8 NIV)  

Who may climb the mountain of the Lord and enter where he lives? Who may stand before the Lord? Only those with pure hands and hearts, who do not practice dishonesty and lying (Psalm 24:3-4 TLB)  

A Plea to Donald Trump for Repentance

God is in heaven.
Revere and respect him.

You are not in this office
Because of your goodness,
Because of your smartness,
Because of your greatness,
God’s our Protector,
Not you! He’s our Maker.
He loves all nations, all people;
With him, every human is equal.
He pays no attention to color of skin.
It tells nothing at all about what lies within.
Don’t call yourself “Greatest”,
Or assume that’s your status
Before God Almighty!
Don’t take warnings lightly.
If you don’t stop lying,
You’re in danger of dying
And facing his wrath;
At proud mockers, he laughs.
It says that in the Bible.
Repent while you’re able:
Care for the immigrant,
The poor and indigenous,
Show respect for women,
Don’t treat them as stupid.

They know how to reason.
Hear all who’ve been wounded,
By you and by others;
God hates one who covers
Up sin! Unless you become honest,
You can’t claim his promise
Of safety and protection
Or eternal salvation;
Don’t honor the thief
and hold back relief
From the poor and needy;
Stop being greedy.
Put an end to your twitter,
Stop being bitter,
Be respectful, not caustic,
Don’t bash the agnostic.
Close your mouth, pay attention;
Please learn how to listen.
Seek peace with all people,
Return good for evil.
Use love as your weapon,
Not cruel words or a gun.
Much damage’s been done
By your uncontrolled tongue;
Don’t brag about your rating.
If you’re not relating
With the fruit of God’s Spirit,
Your work has no merit.
What I see and I hear
Fills me with despair.
My heart’s deeply grieved
By the way you’ve deceived
Your unquestioning supporters;
Who blindly take orders.
I cannot trust you.
How can I support you?
Do my words hit the mark?
God alone knows your heart.
He will show you what’s true
And what you must do,
If you humbly seek truth,
Don’t just accept what will soothe
Your conscience and mind;
Ask, “In what ways am I blind?”
For your eternal well-being
I am praying and pleading.