Unfinished Tasks and Success: Are They Connected?

Like most Christians whom I know, I want to finish the race of life and hear my Lord say, “Well done!” Finishing well means finishing every task that we begin, doesn’t it? If you grew up like I did with the instruction, “You shouldn’t start something that you can’t finish,” then there might be guilt […]

Wholehearted Living and Imperfection

Whatever you are doing, do it with all your heart—those were the words of the melody that started playing in my mind when I sat down at my computer to write this post. At first that little melody annoyed me; I did not feel excited and happy about the day—just grumpy and tired. But wholehearted […]

Something Better Than an Adrenaline Surge

One morning this week, as I was racing up the stairs in my home, I said to my husband, “When my aging body has this much energy I know that it’s from God! It’s not due to caffeine or adrenaline–flowing from anxiety or anger. There’s a difference between a caffeine induced high, an adrenaline surge, and Holy […]

A Preview of My New Book

I’m excited to announce that my new book, Emotional Freedom: The Choices We Must Make, has been approved for printing. It will be available in 2 or 3 weeks. This post contains content from Chapter 7 “A Dynamic Dance with the Gardener.” The Dance Jesus does not compel us to obey him. He does empower us to overcome evil and destructive […]

Transparency and Respect in an Unsafe World

Arriving at my door at the end of an enjoyable walk this morning, I took a house key out of my pocket and tried to stick it into the doorknob keyhole. I could not get it in. After several attempts I gave up. Because it was a replacement key, made by duplicating the original, I […]

What Is in Your Line of Vision?

When we planted tomatoes in our garden this spring, my husband placed one of them in a large pot and placed it on the deck that we can walk onto from our dining area. He said,”This will make it easy for you to pick a tomato; you can have one whenever you want it–without going into […]

Work Backward and Defeat Procrastination

When I was a teenager, my grandfather laughingly said to me, “Why do today what you can put off until tomorrow?” “No, Grandpa, that’s not right!” I said.”You shouldn’t put things off!” At that time, I thought Grandpa’s advice sounded silly, and I wondered why he gave it to me. He may have seen that, […]

What Kind of a Game-player Are You?

Along with my grandchildren, I love playing games.  They enjoy sports, such as baseball, soccer, and basketball, as well as board games. Not being good at sports, I prefer board games. This summer, we’ve been playing Uno, Dominoes, Chess, Rummikub, and Yahtzee. We can get pretty intense in our game-playing. Most of the time it’s been fun but […]

How I Benefited from a Sabbath Day

One of the goals that I set for myself on January 1, 2015 was to submit the manuscript of my book, Emotional Freedom: The Choices We Must Make, to my publisher by January 31. I missed that deadline, changed it to February 28, then to March 31, then to June 30, and then stopped setting deadlines. I […]

Married and Becoming More Married

At the breakfast table one morning this week, I said to my husband, “we got married forty-eight years ago, but we are more married, now.” He agreed. I’m guessing, however, that I need to explain the phrase “more married.” It probably doesn’t make sense. People are either married or not married, Right? No, not exactly. […]